here IS A SELECTION OF some LOCAL aviation events WE LOOK FORWARD TO throughOUT the year:
Commemorative Air Force meetings at their hangar at the Madison Bruce Campbell Airport. In addition to their monthly meetings and historical programs, watch for their Armed Forces Day/Memorial Day event, their aircraft and car shows. Don’t miss the November Hangar Dance with the best in Big Band music.
The Madison Flyers Not-Every-Year Annual Cookout—a Fall event that features food and fellowship without any hooks.
The Pumpkin Drop at Slobovia on the first Saturday after Halloween. Good food, good times. Bring a lawn chair.
The annual Formation Clinic at Tallulah Vicksburg Regional Airport. It’s fun to watch the arrivals and departures!
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) meetings at John Bell Williams Airport
The Fish Fry at the Hinds Community College Aviation Center. This is a safety meeting with a great meal, lots of fellowship, and door prizes.